I like this blog because it brought out a good point of learning English or the same concept of learning the second language. It is being confident to speak every word. So true that we are all afraid to make mistakes in front of the public but making mistakes is reasonable, no matter you are the native speakers are the language learners. Sometimes, teachers focus too much on checking students pronunciation and forget about that the function of language is to communicate results in learners hold no confidence to say the language out. Teachers should encourage the learners to practice more and give them suggestion not correction.
Besides teachers in the class help learners moreover the Internet is helping , too. I like to use dictionary.com as my learning tool. There are IPA and the actual pronunciation on Dictionary .com. It is really useful when I need to know the pronunciation without teachers’ assistance.
Furthermore, I want to introduce another website called “The Linguist on Language.” It’s an intriguing blog with many videos shoot by the blogger himself. It is clearer to know his concepts by reading and listening than only the blog has the reading articles.